Lease and regulations
The lease is a contract between the tenant and the KMHB, it contains all relevant information on housing, rights as well as the KMHB and tenant obligations.
The lease used by the KMHB is the lease approved by Quebec Housing Corporation for social housing but adapted for the region. The lease is for a one-year period from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. If the lease is signed on a date other than July 1st, the end of the lease will nevertheless be June 30th.
Lease Renewal
The lease renewal is sent in writing no later than March 31 of each year. .
Lease Termination
The tenant who wishes to terminate their lease must notify their community’s Housing Manager, sign the termination form and make certain to leave the premises in good condition.
Lease Terms
As a lease signatory, the tenant agrees to respect the terms of the lease and pay the rent each month. .
Late Rent
Termination and lease transfer do not offset late rent.